Running Diary - Week 6

I promise I'm still running! I'm just leaving way more than the recommended one day in between haha. I've finally finished week 6 and things are starting to get more serious now..

Run one:
5min run
3min walk
8min run
3min walk
5min run

This run was pretty easy for me. I was grateful that it returned to interval running as I welcome the chance to walk and get my breath back in between runs. The colder weather aswell makes its so much nicer to run in! I just need it to stop raining and I might actually get out there more often!

Run two:
10min run
3min walk
10min run

This was my favourite run so far! I like running for longer as it tests my fitness and 10 mins was perfect as it wasn't toooo long so I felt like I could run a little bit faster safe in the knowledge that I could stop halfway through!

Run three:

My longest run yet and actually it wasn't as bad as I was expecting. I felt by the end of it that I could have kept going as I found a good rhythm BUT I think I was going pretty slow which is probably why I didn't mind it! I can't help but naturally fall into a slower pace - any tips on how to make yourself go faster?!

Sort of dreading the following weeks as it will now be dark when I go running so extra motivation to not just get straight into my dressing gown after work will be needed. I've come this far now so I can't give up and it's only a few more weeks to go!


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