What I'm doing in lockdown

There is obviously no right or wrong way to be spending your days in lockdown - as long as we are actually staying at home then we are already doing the right thing! (obviously this is if you are lucky enough to have the option to stay at home)

Social media is currently keeping me so entertained because I love being nosy and seeing what other people are up to. So, I thought I'd write about what I'm doing and what has been helping me stay positive through this crazy time!

I'll start by saying I started lockdown working full time from home, so I'm only in my first week of having total free time so this is perhaps too early to be writing this as maybe in a couple of weeks I will have gone stir crazy but so far so good...

I've downloaded the habit app

I'm very visual when it comes to goals / creating new habits so this is such a good app for me! I have made a separate to-do list (I love a list) but these are good habits that I want to keep up and work on throughout this time. I've chosen skincare, water and meditation as everyday goals and exercise as 5 x a week.

As you can see, it's still early days but I'm doing well with it so far and I love that I can track it. I have to be accountable otherwise I just know I won't do it so if you're the same give the app a go!

Skincare-wise I read Kate Lavie's blog here and have tried skipping moisturiser and using a mist instead and it's worked?! I only have a few spots on my chin (thank you TOTM) but no active spots anywhere else. PRAYING this is a permanent solution but I will have to keep you updated on that one. It could also be that I'm upping my water intake? Who knows, but whatever I'm doing it seems to be working - yay!

I've been exercising and then straight after I meditate and it's SUCH a nice way to finish a workout! I just look on YouTube and choose meditation for *I normally choose happiness/productivity/gratitude* or something along those lines. I've joined Ollie for his morning runs as I now have the time to do it and it's been lovely, will defo keep that up! I just do a mix of running and walking with no pressure on timings or distance. I find it so much more enjoyable that way. Hopefully once I get more into it, I can start setting goals and tracking it but for now I'm just there for some movement and fresh air. On the other days I have been doing weight workouts at home just looking on YouTube or Instagram for ideas! I am really missing the gym (I had just begun to love it before all of this - so typical) but I'm happy I'm getting into some sort of routine.


I've always been the biggest fan of self care (I mean, who isn't) but now I have all this free time I feel like I can take my time with it all and it's been really nice. I do the usual facemasks, nails, exercise etc but I have also been making sure I do other things that make me feel happy. Small things that sound so silly but instantly put a smile on my face - closing my eyes and putting my face up to sky when I'm outside, a cold blast of water at the end of my shower, sitting in my dressing gown with a cup of tea, morning smoothies, being silly with Ollie - you get the idea! I think the meditation is helping me be more grateful for the little things and I do feel so so lucky that I get to be inside - and safe!


I don't think I have ever done more quizzes in my life, I'm so full of unnecessary knowledge right now it's great haha! It's just a fun way to keep in touch with friends! I'm going to write a new quiz this week and I was thinking of posting some on here for you guys to use - would that be helpful?! Let me know! I'm also living for my daily FaceTimes with my nephews. Being away from them is by far the hardest part of all of this for me, I really do miss them so so much! So seeing them everyday on FaceTime and seeing what they're up to is the next best thing - so cute!


I'm such a basic bitch, I have already made 2 banana breads and I'm on a desperate search for some bread flour so I can make some nice bread. I've also made lots of biscuits/cookies/pastries, it's becoming quite an addiction. We take what I make round to Ollie's nan and she's the biggest fan of my baking which is so cute and the best reason to keep baking everything and anything!

I'm sure I haven't said anything groundbreaking here but there's not much else I can think of to do! So please let me know what you're up to and give me some ideas! x


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